Our Mission


Through friendship, scholarship, leadership, and service, SAE finds men with impeccable character and helps them achieve their full potential, letting them rise up to face every challenge placed before them—today and tomorrow. We achieve this by grooming our members to become True Gentlemen.



Sigma Alpha Epsilon is a fraternity founded on March 9, 1856, at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa. With over 325,000 initiated members, we proudly hold the distinction of having the largest membership and alumni network among American fraternities. Our mission is to develop "True Gentlemen" who embody honesty, ambition, scholarship, and accountability. This environment nurtures brotherhood and leadership skills that last a lifetime. Our extensive network supports members throughout their college years and into their professional lives, making us a significant resource on college campuses nationwide​


Interested in Rushing?

Shoot us a follow on instagram at @uh.sae or text our Rush Chairs!

Timothy Mai - (832) 707-4347

Matthew Thompson - (832) 712-7436